Trade Wholesale Print

Large Format Posters

Large Poster is printed on 8pt poster paper

Large format posters are your brand identity. It is essential for your business to be unique and professionally printed if you want to leave the right impression on your potential customers.

Paper Type:  8pt ( C2S) Poster paper

Coating: No Coating

Color: CMYK: 1 sided (4:0)

Quantities: Ranges from 1 to 10 pieces


12" x 24"

12" x 36"

12" x 48"

12" x 60"

16" x 20"

20" x 24"

22" x 28"

24" x 24"

24" x 36"

24" x 48"

24" x 60"

36" x 36"

38" x 48"

36" x 60"

48" x 48"

48" x 60"

72" x 12"

72" x 24"

72" x 36"

72" x 48"

84" x 12"

84" x 24"

84" x 36"

84" x 48"

96" x 12"

96" x 24"

96" x 36"

96" x 48"



File Type:  Print Ready PDF file

Special Details: Please, make sure that we are able to include cut marks for proper finishing.

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