Trade Wholesale Print

Hello, Resellers!

We have prepared the following guide to assist you with your electronic file preparation and submission. If you have a specific problem that is not covered in this guide or have other questions, please feel free to contact us.


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For any layouts made in programs other than those mentioned, save them as PDFs from that program and insert them into Indesign or QuarkXpress, then save them as PDFs. Follow the instructions to save Indesign as a PDF.




►On the Main Menu select File/Adobe PDF Presets: PDF/X-1A

►Compatibility: Acrobat 8/9 (PDF 1.7)

►Compression Colour/Grayscale/Monochrome: 300 (for images above 450)

►Compression for Monochrome: 1200

►Marks: Trim Marks on

►Bleeds: .125"

►Output Color Conversion: Convert to Destination

►Destination: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) V2

►Then "Save" to the destination folder


Quark Xpress


►From the Main Menu/File in Quark "Export" file "save"

►Quality: Press Quality PDF

►Verification: PDF/X-1A

►Mode: CMYK mode

►Marks: Trim marks .125"

►Bleeds: .125"

►Then "Save"




    ►Resolution should be set for 300 dpi

    ►CMYK colour mode

    ►Save As

    ►Adobe PDF Preset: PDF/X-1A

    ►Standard: PDF/X-1A

    ►Compression Option: Do Not Downsample

    ►Compression: JPEG

    ►Image Quality: Maximum

    ►Output Color Conversion: Convert to Destination

    ►Destination: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) V2

    ►Then "Save"


    Adobe Illustrator


    ►In Illustrator go to Main Menu: File/Save As Adobe PDF

    ►General: Preserve Illustrator Editing Capability

    ►Adobe Preset: High Quality or Press Quality

    ►Compatibility: Acrobat 8 (PDF 1.7)

    ►Compression: Do Not Down Sample

    ►Marks: Trim Marks on

    ►Bleeds: .125" all around

    ►Output/Color/Conversion: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) V2

    ►Then "Save"

    Quick Checklist -All fonts are included:


    ►File must match the product's dimensions.

    ►Use only CYMK colour.

    ►300 dpi to ensure high resolution.

    ► All text outlined.

    ►Images embedded.



    A 1/8" border must be added to pictures and designs bleeding to the edge so that there is no white space or border showing around the artwork. It is also important to keep text at least a 1/4" away from the paper edge or the trim line to prevent accidental cropping.

    Color Specifications

    Print previews are not a safe and sure measuring tool for color accuracy. Colors on the file might be effected by monitor calibration, screen resolution and lighting, just to name a few. Many Pantone colors show a marked color shift when converted to four color process.

    For one, two or three color jobs printed in Pantone spot color, make sure your colors are specified as spot color and they separate correctly. You can test this by printing separations on your laser printer.

    To achieve the desired color on press, digital files must reflect accurate color models and percentage. Please make sure all colors are in CMYK mode for color accuracy and a better quality output.

    Image Resolutions

    ►All images and pictures should be 300 dpi.

    ►Rasterized text or logos should be 1200 dpi.

    ►Screen values should be between 133 lpi and 150 lpi.


    Guidelines by Application

    The following outlines the specific file requirements by application. If you have any questions, please contact our graphics department.

    Adobe Photoshop

    ►Files should be 300 dpi at 100% of actual size for quality offset reproduction.
    ►Files should be saved in PDF format (embed all fonts and set the screen value to 133 lpi.)


    Digital Proof Disclaimer


    Trade Wholesale Print produces or prints work for you based on your submitted design files, specifications and instructions. While we will bring to your attention any errors that we come across YOU ARE ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROVAL OF DIGITAL PROOFS, PROOF READING AND ANY ERRORS WITHIN THE DOCUMENT(s).

    If we produce work that contains errors that are not caused by Trade Wholesale Print then you are responsible for full productions costs, as well as for the cost of producing the work a second time, if you request us to do so.

    If close color matching is a requirement of the job, then you must let us know at the beginning of the job and specify color matching is necessary and pay any additional fees associated with color matching. If you want to check color matching before we go into production then you should request a hard copy proof.

    If color matching is a necessity to your project then we strongly suggest that you request a color hard copy proof printed at full size before we print the entire job.

    Furthermore if the resolution / print quality of the finished print is critical to the job then we strongly urge you to request a hard copy proof printed at full size so that you can check and approve print resolution before we print the complete job.

    Each set of hardcopy proofs adds to our standard turn-around time. If you require a proof from us before we print the entire job then make sure you allow sufficient time for the proofing process. Hard copy proofs require an additional fee as well as shipping costs.

    To avoid mistakes in your job please carefully proofread your work beforehand, and be sure to check if your artwork is setup properly before submitting your files.

    Information on this web site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice. This web site does not constitute an offer or contract.